Boat Diving
Sports and recreational diving allows the exploration of numerous wrecks ranging beween 20 and 60 meters, most people opt to dive wrecks in the 20 to 40 metre range but we do cator for the more advanced technical diver as well, I personnelly refer the deeper wrecks as these seem to be more intact in this area, Artifacts can be cleaned and reported to the receiver of wreck, and where possible, restored to their former glory. Items can include port holes, crockery, cutlery, binnacles, telegraphs.
The boat is a Aqua star 10 mtr by 3 mtr beam, her design is a fast fisher which has plenty of deck space, she is aquipped with twin Saber Perkins 215hp engines, A divers lift is fitted to the stern, bench sitting for 10 divers she is coded for 10 + 2 for 60 miles, also carries a 3kwv generator for the kettle and microwave oven and a 3000amp inverter for battery pack charging
if you wish to dive with us get in contact by emailing me ( ) or calling on 07976 281778 If we are running a tec dive we only have 6 to 8 divers on board as the divers normally have stages or bailout cylinders attached, if we are running a sport dive under 45 mtrs then we can take up to 10 divers, we always supply tea, coffee or chocolate and snacks are supplied, we can arrang for stop overs in the area if you are from a distance, there are wrecks here that are rarely dived or no one has dived except myself,